4. Anti wrinkle Filler scaled

Rediscover Youthful Skin With Anti-Wrinkle and Filler Injections

Key Features

Don't Let Wrinkles Define Your Age

Don't Let Wrinkles Define Your Age

Our specialised injections are designed to target wrinkles and fine lines, giving your skin a rejuvenated appearance. With expert precision, Dr Miller will restore volume to areas that have lost elasticity, leaving you with a natural and youthful glow. Say goodbye to signs of ageing and hello to a more confident you.

Anti wrinkle Filler

Turn back the clock on ageing skin

Say goodbye to wrinkles and fine lines with our anti-wrinkle and filler injections. Restore volume to your skin and regain a youthful appearance. Smooth out those forehead lines and crow's feet for a more youthful you.

beautician doing filler injection female client, Dermal Filler Injections

Achieve flawless skin

This versatile and effective treatment enhances your skin texture while reducing the appearance of fine lines. Say goodbye to imperfections and hello to a radiant complexion.

woman with marked face receiving botox injection

Experience is safe and customisable

The treatments can be tailored to address specific areas of concern and achieve a personalised aesthetic outcome.

Dr Miller will help you achieve your skincare goals

Dr Miller will help you achieve your skincare goals

Experience the transformative power of
Microneedling with Dermapen

Experience the transformative power of Microneedling with Dermapen

smiling woman doing procedure tighten skin


Dermapen 4

Dermapen 4TM delivers the ultimate in advanced microneedling up to 104% faster than other microneedling devices. Control all functionality, like speed and depth, with the touch of a button for reliable results. Larger areas can be treated faster with this professional Dermapen, with exceptional outcomes and virtually no pain or downtime.


1.Topical Serums

Use serums with growth factors and hyaluronic acid for improved skin health.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels remove dead skin cells, improve texture, reduce blemishes, and promote a healthier, smoother skin appearance.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)Treatment

PRP treatment stimulates collagen production and enhances skin rejuvenation, promoting a youthful and radiant complexion.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Fractional laser treatments improve skin tone and texture.

Exosome Facial

Exosome facials can provide natural-looking results that enhance the skin's appearance.

Exosome Facial

Microdermabrasion treatments can be combined with microneedling to enhance exfoliation and further improve the skin's overall texture and tone.

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Before & After

Frequently Asked Questions

A dermatologist can perform the treatment during a single office visit. Patients can return to most everyday activities immediately after the procedure. 

After receiving Botulinum toxin injections, it may take a few days for the effects to become noticeable, and the full effects typically develop over the course of 1-2 weeks.

During the first few hours after the injection, it’s common to experience some redness, swelling, or mild bruising at the injection site. Some people may also experience mild headaches, flu-like symptoms, or a feeling of heaviness or tightness in the treated area.

The results of Botulinum toxin injections generally last for 4-6 months, but this can vary depending on the individual and the area being treated.

The effects of Botulinum toxins are not permanent because the affected nerves sprout new endings. After around three months, a working connection between the nerve and muscle is re-established. However, an element of atrophy (muscle wasting) occurs with each injection. This incremental atrophy explains why the interval needed for a second treatment can gradually lengthen following repeated injections.

Yes, several factors can affect the longevity of a dermal filler. Here are some examples:

  • Type of filler: Different types of fillers have different lifespans. For example, hyaluronic acid fillers typically last between 6 and 18 months, while poly-L-lactic acid fillers can last up to two years or more.
  • Area of injection: Areas of the face that are subject to more movement, such as the lips and the nasolabial folds, may cause fillers to break down more quickly.
  • Amount of filler: The amount of filler used can affect how long it lasts. Overfilling can cause the filler to break down more quickly, while using too little may not achieve the desired results.
  • Metabolism: Individual differences in metabolism can also affect how long a filler lasts. Some people’s bodies may break down the filler more quickly than others.
  • Aftercare: Proper aftercare, such as avoiding certain activities like smoking and excessive sun exposure, can help extend the lifespan of a filler. Additionally, following up with maintenance treatments as recommended by your healthcare provider can also help prolong the results.
  • Age: The age of the patient can also play a role in how long fillers last. Younger patients may have longer-lasting results due to their skin’s natural elasticity and ability to regenerate collagen.

It’s important to discuss any concerns you may have about the longevity of your filler with your dermatologist or healthcare provider. They can help you select the most appropriate filler for your needs and provide you with information on how to best care for your skin after treatment to help prolong the results.



Anti-wrinkle and filler injections are quick and effective at reducing fine lines and wrinkles. They offer immediate, non-surgical results with minimal downtime. When administered by a skilled professional, they can enhance natural beauty and restore volume.


These treatments are temporary and require ongoing maintenance. Possible short-term side effects include swelling and mild bruising. Overuse or improper administration can lead to an unnatural look. So make sure you use an experienced health care profesional.


Treatment Time

30 - 60 minutes

On Set Results

7 - 14 days

Treatment's Downtime


Result Duration

Botox: 3 - 6 months
Filler: Depends on the type of filler used

Potential Side Effects

Minor Bruising

Anaesthetic Required?

Botulinum toxin: No
Filler: Topical


smiling woman doing procedure tighten skin



dr natalie miller

Over Two Decades Of Skincare Experience

At Derm Design, we offer all-encompassing care for a wide range of skin, hair and nail concerns. Some of the commonly encountered skin conditions we treat include acne, melasma, and rosacea.

Furthermore, we stay at the forefront of aesthetic treatments, utilising cutting-edge technology to provide the latest anti-ageing solutions.

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