
Laser Rejuvenation

facial rejuvenation procedures houston texas, Laser Rejuvenation

For over 50 years, lasers have been in use, not only for the treatment of pigmentation, vascular lesions, veins, redness, acne, sun damage and removal of unwanted hair but also for skin laxity, lines and wrinkles. Laser and light devices have the ability to resurface, rejuvenate as well as stimulate collagen production. Laser Skin Rejuvenation […]

Laser for Pigmentation

Hyperpigmentation Laser Treatment

Pigmentation is the presence of excess melanin on the skin produced by melanocytes, which are cells producing and containing melanin. These typically occur under the skin resulting in an uneven skin tone and skin pigmentation marks, dark spots or patches on the skin. The most common misconception associated with discoloured skin is that it will […]

Laser for Scars

Laser Scar Treatments, Laser Scar Treatment

Living with scars can be difficult. A scar can change how you think about and see yourself, but it can also affect your life more considerably. Scars are complex; some can even limit your motion.  For optimal results and safety, the clinician needs to understand both your medical history and the type of scar you […]

Vascular Laser

Vascular Laser Therapy

Vascular Laser Therapy Vascular skin problems are issues that impact the blood vessels under your skin, causing issues such as cherry angioma, broken capillaries, thread veins, telangiectasias, hemangiomas, birthmarks or port wine stains, couperose skin and rosacea, Poikiloderma of Civatte, a venous lake of the lip, early scars and warts. Vascular laser treatment (or thermocoagulation […]

Vitamin Injections

vitamin drips and shots

Ideally, our diets would provide us with the optimal amount of essential nutrients we need not just to survive but thrive. It is challenging to practice eating a balanced diet that is appropriately nutrient dense. On top of that, in our modern living, environmental pollutants, nutrient-depleted foods, and chronic stress make it almost impossible to […]

Dermal Filler Injections

beautician doing filler injection female client, Dermal Filler Injections

As the years go by, we lose our skin’s hydration and volume. Consequently, wrinkles and folds are more visible on our faces. In addition, as natural facial fullness begins to decrease, sagging becomes increasingly apparent, resulting in a less youthful appearance. Dermal fillers, known as “wrinkle fillers”, are a simple and minimally invasive procedure with […]

Skin Rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation, Skin Rejuvenation

Skin ageing is a natural and gradual process that happens to everyone as we get older. There are two types of skin ageing processes: Intrinsic ageing: This is the natural ageing process that occurs due to the passage of time. Intrinsic ageing is determined by genetics and occurs at a relatively constant rate throughout life. […]

Dermal Filler Dissolving

Filler Dissolving, Dermal Filler Dissolving

If you’re dissatisfied with the results of dermal filler treatments, fortunately, this can be easily amended by injections to dissolve the filler. Reasons for needing or wanting filler dissolution may include the following: Overfilled The filler has moved or spread to other areas. Lumps and unevenness of dermal filler result Asymmetrical result Allergic reaction: swelling […]


Acne, acne treatment

If acne is affecting your life, then Derm Design Clinic can provide both medical and laser acne treatment services here in our London acne clinic. Our acne dermatologist can offer you expert treatment with a good chance of permanently eradicating your acne, providing you with the relief you’ve been seeking. Acne, a condition that affects […]



Are you experiencing regular, easier-than-normal blushing or flushing? It could be rosacea, a chronic skin condition frequently undiagnosed and often mistaken for acne. Fair-skinned people may be more susceptible, but this medical issue can arise in any complexion. Don’t delay; get the proper diagnosis and treatment so you can feel your best. Primarily impacting the […]