
Laser Hair Removal

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Laser Hair Removal

In the 20th century, hair removal became an increasingly common practice for women to stay on trend with societal values and religious beliefs or just maintain good hygiene. Yet, in recent years, males have taken more strides towards improving their overall presentation, which has progressed from traditional shaving and waxing techniques to modern treatments that guarantee permanent results.

Laser hair removal is the best and most convenient alternative to the bother of having to shave or wax regularly, these will cost you more money in the long-term and the time spent, which we all could do more of.

Laser hair removal is the most successful approach for lasting hair reduction, diminishing growth up to 90%. For both women and men of all skin tones, nearly every region on your body can be processed – even sensitive areas like the face or bikini line. With laser treatments, you’ll achieve a soft feel and smoother-looking skin in no time. Unlike other methods such as waxing, depilatory creams and shaving, laser hair removal gives long-lasting results without the ingrown hairs and irritation associated. The hair will also become finer and softer, so it’s less visible, and growth will slow down more with each treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Laser hair removal works by photothermolysis, the use of brief pulses of light and heat energy to target, damage, and destroy hair follicles, preventing regrowth.

Our laser emits light energy which specifically targets the melanin in the hair, damaging the bulb of each follicle and inhibiting its ability to regrow. We have found that a series of 8 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart is most effective for achieving long-term results; this ensures all follicles are addressed at their optimal growth stages for maximum effectiveness via photothermolysis.

You can already see the results after just one treatment. Your hair will take longer to grow back and be softer than before. By your 8th or 10th session, you’ll find that it won’t grow back at all.

While the legal age for laser hair removal is 14, we only treat customers over 18 due to hormonal changes that generally take place between those ages. This ensures optimum results and effectiveness of each treatment.


Dr Miller is here to help

dr natalie miller

Dr. Natalia Miller

Dr Miller understands how uncomfortable and disheartening it can be to experience unwanted hair on the body. With every patient, she puts their well-being at the forefront of her practice while guiding them towards a smooth, effortless journey to achieving desirable skin. Let your transformation begin with Dr Miller!

During the consultation, Dr Miller will assess your hair and skin type in order to tailor a treatment specifically for you. She’ll discuss every detail of the procedure with you, including what laser is best suited for your skin type, how many sessions are necessary to achieve desired results, correct setting parameters during each session as well as post-treatment care tips.

If your consultation determines that you are a suitable candidate for laser hair removal treatment, and if you’re not currently tanned, she will perform a patch test. Patch tests must take place at least 48 hrs before your first session. This is carried out by applying the laser to a small part of the target area and monitoring. Even if you had laser treatments on some other areas of your body, for each and every new area, we need to perform a new patch test. This is because your skin may be more sensitive in some areas, and the technology, circumstances, and your condition might have changed since then.

If laser treatment is suitable for your skin type, she will create an individualised plan tailored specifically to you and book your initial appointment.