
Acne Treatment

Acne, acne treatment

Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment London: Discover Effective Solutions for Clearer Skin

Acne is a widespread and complex skin condition that affects individuals of all ages. Although it primarily appears during adolescence, acne can persist into adulthood for many. It affects both genders and all ethnicities, making it a universal skin challenge.

Acne primarily affects the face but can also appear on the neck, chest, back, and other parts of the body. It manifests in various forms, including mild blackheads and whiteheads, as well as more severe inflamed red spots and pus-filled pimples. Without timely treatment, inflammatory acne can lead to permanent scars. Large, deep cysts similar to boils may develop in severe cases, highlighting the importance of early and effective treatment.

Acne can profoundly impact an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. Effective treatments are available that not only relieve symptoms but also improve appearance and prevent long-term effects such as scarring.

Treatment options include topical medications, oral antibiotics, and hormonal treatments such as contraceptive pills. While over-the-counter products may be effective for some, consulting with a specialist before starting any treatment is advisable to ensure it suits your specific needs.

Our specialised ‘Acne Treatment London’ program is not just about treatments. It’s about providing you with the expert guidance and support you need to tackle the root causes of acne. Our treatments are designed to reduce excess oil production, prevent blockages in the follicles, and minimise inflammation and scarring. With our help, you can regain control of your skin and your confidence, feeling supported and guided every step of the way.

Why Choose Us for Acne Scar Treatment in London?

Managing a chronic skin condition like acne requires continuous care and finding a dermatologist you trust. At Design Derm, we specialise in acne scar treatment in London and offer a comprehensive approach to all dermatological needs. Our clinic is conveniently located, making it easy to access without any hassle.

At Design Derm, we are committed to your safety and well-being. Our clinic is regulated and authorised, ensuring that we provide effective treatment. You can trust us to deliver top-quality care and support for your skin concerns, giving you the confidence that you’re in good hands with safety and effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

The 4 main causes of acne are:  

1.Excess oil (sebum) production – your oil-producing glands produce an excessive amount of oil.  

2. Hair follicles clogged with oil and dead skin cells.

3. Bacteria – Although acne isn’t a disease, The presence of Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes, previously known as Propionibacterium acnes), other bacteria, and yeasts contribute to inflammatory acne lesions.

4. Inflammation– inflammation plays a primary and secondary role in acne. It presents throughout the event of acne lesions, both during the primary stages of non-inflammatory acne and the inflammatory stages where papules, pustules, and nodules are present.

There are various types of acne, and understanding your form is essential to find an efficient and lasting treatment. Broadly, there are two main types: non-inflammatory acne and inflammatory acne.

Non-inflammatory acne doesn’t cause swelling of your skin. There are two main kinds of non-inflammatory acne:   

1. Blackheads – also called open comedones,  blackheads form when pores become clogged with sebum and other debris, like dead skin cells, but the pore’s surface remains open. 

2. Whiteheads – or closed comedone, also form because of clogged pores. This type of lesions, the outer layer of the pore closes the sebum and debris in.  

Inflammatory acne Unlike blackheads and whiteheads caused by sebum and dead skin cells, inflammatory acne causes inflammation and swelling. Bacteria create the inflamed reaction resulting in:

1. Papules – also called pimples, are inflamed red bumps on your skin, these unsightly blemishes form when bacteria and debris enter a follicle. Most lesions occur on the face and are considered a moderate form of acne.   

2. Pustules – another moderate type of acne, these are papules with a white-colored tip that contain pus, that is formed as your body reacts to the bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil. 

3. Nodules – These are a more severe form of acne. They appear as larger, inflamed lesions that are painful and hard to the touch. Nodules develop deeper down when the sebum, debris, and bacteria enter the deeper layers of the skin because of a damaged follicle. They typically contain pus in addition to oil and debris. Nodules don’t always have a white tip since they form deeper down. 

4. Acne cysts – These are one of the most severe, painful kinds of acne which are also foremost challenging to treat. They are large, soft, fluid-filled bumps beneath the surface of your skin, painful to the touch and, often cause acne scars. This type of acne forms the same way nodules form, but acne cysts are more severe and contain blood in conjunction with pus and debris.

Depending on how severe acne is, acne treatments can take several months before seeing the improvement. You can start by trying over-the-counter (non-prescription) acne products for mild acne. Before discovering what works best for you, you may need to try several different treatments. And be patient. It can take weeks to determine the results of any medication. 

Acne treatments work by inhibiting sebum production, encouraging the shedding of skin cells to unclog pores, limiting bacterial growth, and reducing inflammation. They can be classified into two main categories:

Topical treatments

  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Topical retinoids
  • Topical antibiotics
  • Salicylic acid
  • Azelaic acid

Oral medications 

  • Antibiotics
  • Hormonal therapy
  • Isotretinoin

You will see results for four to eight weeks with most prescription acne drugs. However, it can take months or years for acne to clear up completely. 

In additional to topical and oral medications, there are several other treatments that can be used to help manage acne. These include:

  • Chemical peels: can help to unclog the pores and reduce the appearance of acne scars

  • Light therapy: can help to reduce inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria

  • Comedone extraction: can help to unclog pores and reduce the risk of acne breakouts

  • Corticosteroid injections: can help to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process

  • Complementary and alternative therapies: such as tea tree oil, green tea extract, or acupuncture

Different treatments may work better for different people, and it may be chalennging to find the best approach for managing acne. Moreover, several lifestyle changes can also help to prevent and reduce acne. These include using non-comedogenic products, managing stress, eating a low sugar healthy diet, washing the face with a gentle cleanser, avoiding touching the face with hands, avoiding wearing tight clothing that can trap sweat and oil against the skin, and avoiding using oily or greasy hair and cosmetic products.

Dr Miller is here to help
dr natalie miller

Dr. Natalia Miller


Are you or anyone you know struggling with acne?

Although acne is a common skin condition, it’s not just a cosmetic concern. Controlling acne can be challenging. More importantly, it can leave permanently disfigured scars on your skin.

Suppose you’ve tried over-the-counter acne products for a while with minimal improvement. It’s time to seek professional help for proper treatments to help control your acne as well as avoid further scarring.

Acne can be treated in various ways, depending on its severity. There are many options for treating acne, but typically it involves prescription oral or topical medications. Dr Miller has over 20 years of experience in treating acne smoothly and effectively.

During a consultation, she will evaluate the stages of your acne as well as your skin type and recommend appropriate management for you.

Treatments include specialised face washes, gels, and creams (many of which require a prescription), systemic treatment (tablets) including antibiotics, hormonal treatment, and Roaccutane® – Isotretinoin capsules (which can only be prescribed by a Dermatologist). For some acne treatments, blood tests may be required before commencing and during the treatment for monitoring.

We offer clinically proven, effective treatments to help control acne in its active stages as well as residual acne scarring that may not disappear without treatment.