
Laser for Scars

Laser Scar Treatments

Laser for Scars

Living with scars can be difficult. A scar can change how you think about and see yourself, but it can also affect your life more considerably. Scars are complex; some can even limit your motion.

 For optimal results and safety, the clinician needs to understand both your medical history and the type of scar you have before treating you.

Visiting a dermatologist is an essential step before treating any scar, as skin cancer can mimic the look of a scar and develop within one. By assessing the area first, you can ensure that your scar isn’t something far more serious and dangerous.

Multiple factors come into play when it comes to treating scars. These include the type of scar you have, your age, and how long you’ve had the scar. That being said, it’s essential that a dermatologist examine any potential treatments before they are administered—after all, prevention is always better than cure! By opting for this path now, you can be sure that whatever treatment route chosen will work best with your specific case in mind.

Laser therapy is an innovative treatment that uses concentrated beams of light to address damaged areas on the body. It can successfully eliminate tumours and growths, fortify vision, cease hair loss, and reduce painful sensations. Plus, this remarkable technology has been shown to dramatically improve the appearance of scars.

Dermatologists rely on lasers to diminish scar visibility, alleviate irritation and itching, as well as avert the formation of scars after a surgical procedure. The laser assists in promoting new skin regeneration. Although you may not be able to get rid of your scars completely with laser treatment, it can still make them less visible and more manageable. It is also expected that multiple treatments will eventually have the capacity to bring about your desired outcomes.

Laser treatments are quickly becoming the preferred method for treating a variety of scars due to their incredible benefits. These treatments can:

  • Prevent raised scars and keloids
  • Reduce the appearance of existing raised scars and keloids
  • Decrease scarring after surgery
  • Treat some depressed acne scars
  • Lessen the colour of the scar, such as redness
  • Increase a person’s ability to move when a scar limits movement
  • Reduce pain, itch, hardness, and swelling


Examples of laser types that doctors use in scar treatment include:

  • Ablative fractional carbon dioxide laser
  • Intense pulsed light
  • Long-pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG
  • Nonablative fractional laser
  • Pulsed dye laser
  • Q-switched Nd:YAG


For those with certain skin tones, laser treatments may cause their skin to regrow unevenly. Nevertheless, in the hands of a trained professional, these procedures can provide safe results with minimal side effects.

To ensure that patients experience the best possible results, additional medications, such as corticosteroids or 5-FU, may be injected directly into the scar after laser treatments for synergistic effects.

Top Reasons to Trust Derm Design for Laser Treatment for Scars

Choosing DermDesign for laser treatments for scars offers several compelling reasons:

  1. Expertise: Derm Design specialises in advanced laser technology, ensuring precise and effective scar removal treatments.
  2. Custom Approach: The professionals tailor treatments to individual skin types and scar severity, maximising results.
  3. Cutting-Edge Equipment: Derm Design invests in state-of-the-art laser devices, optimising treatment outcomes while minimising discomfort.
  4. Safety and Comfort: Patients benefit from a safe and comfortable environment during their laser sessions, with minimal downtime.
  5. Proven Results: With a track record of successful scar reduction, Derm Design inspires confidence in their ability to deliver noticeable improvements.
  6. Comprehensive Care: Beyond treatments, Derm Design provides thorough post-treatment care and guidance for optimal healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Laser scar treatments don’t magically make a scar vanish, but rather they give the appearance of making it less visible. In good hands, they can be used to treat various types of scars, including acne scars, surgical scars, and scars caused by injury or trauma to the skin. 

Laser treatments work by using a focused beam of high-energy light to target and break down the scar tissue. The specific type of lasers used for scar treatment will depend on the type, severity of the scar, the patient’s skin type, and other factors. Different lasers have different wavelengths and strengths, which can target different layers of the skin and have varying effects on scar tissue.

To treat pigmented scars, laser light targets and is absorbed by the pigment in the scar tissue, which causes the tissue to heat up and break apart into smaller particles. The body’s natural healing process then removes these smaller particles; over time, new, healthy tissue can replace the scarred tissue. 

For some other scars, such as Keloids, lasers may also be used to target the blood vessels within scar tissue, helping to reduce redness while preventing the overgrowth of additional scarring. 

Furthermore, lasers can penetrate through skin layers in order to eradicate the older layers of skin, encourage new healthier skin cells and remodel existing scars for optimal results. These lasers essentially remove any unevenness or blemishes by evening out the tone and texture while not affecting the surface layer of your skin. Ablative lasers directly remove this topmost layer, whereas non-ablative is gentler yet penetrate deeper into the dermis for greater results.

Overall, laser treatments for scars can effectively improve the appearance and texture of scars, although multiple treatments may be required for optimal results. To determine if laser treatment is appropriate for your specific scar and skin type, choose the right kind of laser as well as avoid any complications; it is important to be treated by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon who has been trained and has a wealth of experience in laser treatments for scars.

Laser treatment for scars can effectively reduce the appearance of scars on the skin. However, it’s important to make certain lifestyle changes both before and after the treatment to ensure optimal results and to prevent any potential complications. Here are some lifestyle changes that may help with laser treatment for scars:

  • Sun protection: Sun exposure can damage the skin and make scars more noticeable. It is essential to protect your skin from the sun both before and after laser treatment. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen SPF of at least 30 and wear protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts and hats.
  • Smoking cessation: Smoking can negatively affect the healing process of scars and can increase the risk of complications. If you smoke, it’s important to quit smoking before and after laser treatment.


  • Healthy diet: A healthy diet can help promote skin health and healing. Eat a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.


  • Hydration: Drinking plenty of water can help keep your skin hydrated, which can improve healing and reduce the risk of complications.


  • Avoid certain medications: Certain medications and supplements, such as blood thinners and anti-inflammatory drugs, can increase the risk of complications and delay healing during and after laser treatment. It’s essential to talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking before the treatment.


  • Avoid strenuous activities and exercise: for a few days after the treatment can help reduce the risk of complications and improve healing.


  • Follow post-treatment instructions: It’s important to follow the post-treatment instructions provided by your doctor, which may include avoiding sun exposure, using moisturizers or other topical treatments, and avoiding certain activities.


By making these lifestyle changes, you can help ensure the best possible results from your laser treatment for scars. 

It’s important to keep in mind that the exact experience can vary depending on the type of laser used, the location of the scars, and the individual’s healing process. However, here are some general things to expect after laser treatment for scars:

  • Redness and swelling: It’s common to experience some redness and swelling in the treated area. This can last for a few days to several weeks, depending on the intensity of the laser used.
  • Sensitivity: The treated area may feel sensitive, similar to a sunburn. This can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers or prescribed pain medication.
  • Crusting and peeling: Depending on the intensity of the laser used, the treated area may develop a crust or scab, which will eventually peel off as the skin heals.
  • Changes in skin colour: The treated area may appear darker or lighter than the surrounding skin for a period of time. This is a normal healing process and should improve over time.
  • Follow-up appointments: You will likely have follow-up appointments to monitor your healing process and assess the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Multiple treatments may be required: Depending on the severity of the scars, you may need multiple laser treatments to achieve the desired results. These treatments are usually spaced several weeks apart to allow the skin to heal in between. This is frequently necessary when using non-ablative lasers; these lasers do not require downtime but may necessitate multiple sessions to achieve your desired results.


Recovery times vary, but it may take 2 to 10 days for your skin to heal. 

Following post-treatment instructions carefully after laser treatment for scars is important to ensure the best possible results and minimize the risk of complications. This may include avoiding sun exposure, using moisturizers or other topical treatments, and avoiding certain activities.

It can take several weeks or even months before seeing any difference, and improvement will emerge gradually over time. While you may initially experience little change after each session, eventually, the outcome will be worth the wait.

While laser treatments for scars are generally considered safe, there are some risks and potential side effects that you should be aware of. These can vary depending on the type of laser used, the intensity of the treatment, and the individual’s skin type and medical history. 

Common risks and side effects associated with laser treatments for scars as follow:

  • Redness and swelling: It’s common to experience some redness and swelling in the treated area, which can last several days to several weeks.
  • Pain: Depending on the intensity of the laser used, you may experience some pain or discomfort during and after the treatment. This can be relieved with over-the-counter painkillers or prescribed pain medication.
  • Changes in skin colour: The treated area may appear darker or lighter than the surrounding skin for a period of time. In some cases, this can be permanent.
  • Scarring: In rare cases, laser treatment can actually cause scarring, especially if the treatment is too aggressive or if the individual has a tendency to form scars.
  • Infection: There is a risk of infection anytime the skin is broken, which can occur during laser treatment. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Skin sensitivity: The treated area may be more sensitive to the sun and other environmental factors after laser treatment, which can increase the risk of sunburn or other skin damage.
  • Rare complications: In rare cases, laser treatment can cause more serious complications, such as blistering, severe pain, or changes in skin texture.


It’s important to discuss any potential risks and side effects with your doctor before undergoing laser treatment for scars. By following your doctor’s instructions carefully and monitoring your healing process closely, you can minimize the risk of complications and achieve the best possible results.

Dr Miller is here to help

dr natalie miller

Dr. Natalia Miller

Everyone is unique. To treat a scar effectively, the practitioner performing your laser treatment must consider the types of your scar, your skin type, and your overall health.

Dr Miller has extensive experience using lasers to treat all types of scars. She will thoroughly evaluate a scar before recommending a laser for treatment use. Then she will choose from a variety of lasers that use different wavelengths of light and affect the skin in various ways. 

Before proceeding with the procedures, she will discuss with you the potential benefits unique to a particular laser as well as its possible side effects. She may use laser therapy as a single treatment or in combination with other approaches to reduce the pain, itching, and appearance of scars. 

If your consultation determines that you are a suitable candidate, and if you’re not currently tanned, she will perform a patch test. Patch tests must take place at least 48 hrs before your first session. This is carried out by applying the laser to a small part of the target area and monitor. Even if you had laser treatments on some other areas of your body, for each and every new area, we need to perform a new patch test. This is because your skin may be more sensitive in some areas, and the technology, circumstances, and your condition might have changed since then.